Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wind Blown Out Of Your Sails

Ever just felt defeated? There are so many things in our life that we often allow to dictate our worth. Even things that are beyond our control can dictate our worth. We allow someone’s words, criticisms (constructive or not), traffic, family….to determine our worth.

I am so guilty of feeling this way at times. Circumstances determine my countenance at times, and that should not be so. My worth is not found in my own abilities…but my worth is in Christ. I am a child of the most high king—and no matter what is going on, he is watching me and you—and we ARE important, so much so that Jesus gave his life to us on the cross. It’s sobering to think about it.

In Isaiah 49, I imagine Jesus speaking this about us, though I know he’s talking about Israel…in my estimation Israel equates to his people…and that we are. I am amazed that God would even think of us to allow us to be a part of his vision. Check out Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Bible and his understanding of this passage. The commentary really brought out God’s love for me to light. I pretend to be no scholar—so check it out and see what it may mean to you.

Allow the Lord to speak into you and allow him in you to dictate your worth. You were placed on this earth to be so much more than someone making it day to day. You were made to flourish, make a difference and feel empowered by the wonderful power God has placed within us to accomplish MUCH for his kingdom. I believe there is DESTINY in you.


Haley Lamb said...

girl, you are speaking to me these past few days!! hahha, with the "unity" entry and now with this one. thank you for sharing your insights and what God is showing you in the Word. Been having a hard time in loving people lately and these blog entries have really helped. :)

Candice of 'The Beautiful Mess' said...

it's always nice to know that God uses what we are going through to encourage others!

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