Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Quiet Spell...

Hi there! It's been a crazy couple of days! I can't wait to tell you about it.... 1, 2, 3,....GO!

**I was sick this weekend and had wedding to shoot. I got through it...I have to honestly say...the Good Lord got me through it. It was a GORGEOUS wedding at Myers Park Methodist Church and Bentley's on 27th.
**Daniel and Matthew (my bro) are putting down my new floors right now! It is looking amazing...but everything's a wreck....and honestly....I can't edit when my brother's up for a visit!
**Tomorrow is Daniel's BIRTHDAY! My sweet husband is going to be 27!! (I know I know...a year and a half younger than me! More to come tomorrow...
**Is it wrong that I am loving 'Single' by NKOTB?
*Oli's had some setbacks. Seriously....just when you think you've got your sweet faced Maltese pup potty-trained...he poops, pees and pukes in your house. Thankfully all before the carpet came up....
*'s what I've been up to:
-Wei-Bowyer wedding (just finished--post coming soon)
-Taylor-Bollinger wedding
-Woody-Liles wedding
*Shoots coming up (so excited about these!) :
-Fisher-Watkins wedding
-Carr Family
-Milan Ford family and book shoot
-Massey family

Now that you've gotten my little list of what's going on...I'm sure you'll sleep better tonight...HA! I leave you with some personal pictures...

I've lost 11 lbs since this picture (above) taken in May. Awesomness. This comes from some pictures it's taken me forever to get to. We shot a Baltimore wedding. To see more random pictures from us just being here.
Here's a trip outside to our back yard (that backs up to a beautiful Jewish cemetary) for Oli to "potty." Yeah right.
Another shot from our downtown Baltimore experience. 'Misses Officer' anyone?
Done playing and ready to go back inside. He's so cute!
My sweet Daniel off to work!!! I love that man! More pictures from our fall lazy days here.

1 comment:

Charlotte Wedding Photographer - The Schultzes said...

these pics are totally cute. and the bit about oli puking in your house really made me laugh. :)

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